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No$gba 2.4b Released


Category: <b>GameBoy Advance</b><br><br>
- ereader/demo's: uploaded ereader.zip (with magicflr, rotris, camera, bombswp)
- nds/sound: bugfix: fixed snd crash on mul1.5 speed (thanks Giuseppe Marletta)
- bios-clone: bugfix: gba/nds intrwait set IME=1 (eg. japanese/original ereader)
- ereader/a22i: vpk compression, good tree values, auto-method1/0 for gba/nes
- ereader/emu: automatically loads next strip, automatically extracts red-layer
- ereader/emu: supports homebrew 300dpi .bmp's and scanned 1200dpi .jpg's
- ereader/emu: emulates ereader hardware (requires ereader bios/bmp/jpg files)
- ereader/a22i: new .ereader and .title directive, handles .import'ed .nes roms
- ereader/help: added verify/create error correction (thanks Simon Rockliff)
- ereader/help: added dotcode, data, program, vpk chapters (thanks Damien Good)
- ereader/help: rev'ed PGA I/O ports, camera SIO ports, address bar encryption
- debug: shows "BiosSwi/IrqHandler" labels also for ARM9 (with offset FFFF0000h)
- bios/help: corrected bios-swi huffman description and added an example to it
- bios: improved bios-swi huffman decoder (straighter, smaller, and faster)
- xed: fixed occasional crashes on ctrl,k+n (missing reform in toggle_blocktype)
- wifi: emulates microsecond counter read/change/start/stop
- wifi: emulates data transfer from local txbuf to rxbuf of remote console(s)
- wifi/help: added chapters on the various ieee802.11b frame (=packet) formats
- wifi/help: added notes on multiboot beacons (and multicart/pictochat beacons)
- wifi/help: added notes on transfer completion flags in txbuf_loc registers
- wifi/help: added new values in hardware headers chapter, added unknown chapter
- wifi/help: added a lot of new bits and registers in transmit control chapter
- wifi/help: marked all "unused" registers as w_internal (=not used by firmware)
- wifi: emulates ie/if registers, emulates pending powerforce with powerack
- wifi/debug: displays wifi registers (and current channel) in I/O map window
- wifi/help: added chapters on ieee802.11 frames, renamed rxbuf/txbuf registers
- wifi: fixed rf write, emulates powerforce=8001h (over the hedge)

:: No$gba Official Site
:: No$gba 2.4b
