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no-controller-for-mac workaround


New member
download usb overdrive x (shareware).

this will allow you to map the buttons of your usb controller to your keyboard. (ie, z, x, etc: the default mupen controller keys.)

has worked so far for my intel mac.

keep the real plugin coming!


New member
download usb overdrive x (shareware).

this will allow you to map the buttons of your usb controller to your keyboard. (ie, z, x, etc: the default mupen controller keys.)

has worked so far for my intel mac.

keep the real plugin coming!

any other solution to this?


New member
just in case anyones as huge of a noob as i am at mac os x 10.4, i finally figured out how to get rid of the annoying "usboverdrivehelper" window that opens by default at login.

system preferences > accounts > login items

unlock to make chagnes then highlight usboverdrivehelper and click minus.


New member
just in case anyones as huge of a noob as i am at mac os x 10.4, i finally figured out how to get rid of the annoying "usboverdrivehelper" window that opens by default at login.

system preferences > accounts > login items

unlock to make chagnes then highlight usboverdrivehelper and click minus.

sorry im noob at this, how would i change z and x to apple and option?


New member
after wondering why my mouse has been acting funny lately, i realized that usb overdrive x changes your mouse settings by default without asking (sheesh). so make sure that you choose your mouse under the inputs menu of usb overdrive x and uncheck "overdrive enabled".


New member
How do i set it up for my controller

1. open usb overdrive x

2. make sure usb overdrive recognizes your input. inputs are listed in the top pulldown menu next to the about button.

2a. (optional) in the leftmost window, i would select your mouse, configure it, then uncheck "overdrive enabled". (i would configure it because every once in a while, the program will override my system mouse settings even though it's supposed to be off.) repeat with all devices. also sometimes, usb overdrive will disable my mouse click entirely while im using it. if this happens, i quit it using command-q and relaunch it.

3. to configure your controller, select it in the left menu from the pulldown menu.

4. click the 'new' button and click 'ok' from the popup window.

5. locate mupen64 and click the 'choose' button.

6. if you press buttons on your controller, you should find that they activate their respective commands listed in the center window. so if you want to configure your joystick or d-pad, press up, then in the right window, select 'keystroke' from the pulldown menu, then click on the box labeled 'keystroke:', and press up on your keyboard.

i have a psx-usb adaptor so i use the following settings:

stick left = left
stick right = right
blah blah
hat switches = nothing
button 1 (triangle) = page down (c-right)
button 2 (circle) = z (a)
button 3 (x) = x (b)
button 4 (square) = forward delete (c-left)
button 5 (L2) = spacebar = z
button 6 (R2) = s (r)
button 7 (L1) = a (l)
button 8 (R1) = nothing
button 9 (select) = nothing
button 10 (start) = return (start)
button 11 (that left joystick button, whatever its called) = nothing
button 12 (right joystick button) = "
button 13-16 (d-up, right, down, left) = up, right, down. left
button 17-20 = nothing
right joystick-up = home (c-up)
right joystick-down = end (c-down)

anyother programs

yes! i just found one called gamepad companion.


ive been having many problems with usb overdrive so i decided to ditch it.

hope this works for you.
