What's new

Raine 0.50.2 Released


Category: <b>Arcade</b><br><br>
• Improve slightly yuv overlay rendering, and add support for the yv12 overlay, used by mpeg cards. It should allow raine to render directly to an mpeg card if the picture on screen isn't interlaced !!! It works with a pvr350 in linux, just be sure to run ivtvctl --set-yuv-mode=mode=1 before running raine to avoid interlacing in yuv overlays. You can now select your prefered yuv overlay format from the video options dialog : don't change this unless you have problems with the default YUY2 format (raine will automatically switch to YV12 if YUY2 is not hardware accelerated for you).
• Fix frame skip (automatic and fixed).
• The game selection dialog now starts with the selection on the currently loaded game.
• dkong and frogger are supported again, with or without emudx. Only restriction for now : no alpha blender functions for the flames in dkong, I need more time to experiment with this, but it's very playable without them anyway ! They both require new emudx sound files, which are about 1Mb shorter : dkongm.dx2 and froggerm.dx2.
• Finally added a game options dialog with "reset game hardware", "load/save game" with support for unlimited number of save states, "graphical layers", and "cpu frame skip". Also moved the cheats dialog here. And you now have complete control over the fps of the game. This is the kind of very usefull dialog if you want to control raine with only a joystick !
• Added a savegame converter, from the old allegro format to the new 0.50 format in the bonus folder (make converter to build it).

:: Raine Official Site
:: Raine 0.50.2


Didn't know this emu was still going. cheers for the news :) bet its changed a bit since the last time i used it heh
