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Better listview control


I was wondering if anyone has any code or control - or whatever - for a better listview control. Obviously I need to edit SUBITEMS in report mode, which the standard control does not allow! Stupid control...
I found some source on the net but it was buggy and well...
Editing subitems is tricky buisness.

Right NOW, I'm just too lazy to go find one...


New member
I'm thinking maybe you need to use WTL :p The standard WTL API supports all that stuff, plus a variety of things which MFC doesn't. Plus the API is open-source :)


Active member
There are some simple examples on programmer's heaven too, might be worth a look.


Yes, I will check that out! Would be great if it supports that which I need.
EDIT: Meh, WTL is EVIL. I have no need for EVIL things. I will check out the programmers heaven for a good source for these things.
EDIT2: Programmer's heaven doesn't seem to have any source for this purpose >_< Back to search again...
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