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1964 or PJ64


New member
i dunno what to choose....1964 runs most smooth i think and pj64 runs all my favorite games...both are with glide64 and evoodoo cause i got a 500 mhz comp with a savage 4 gfx card but i dunno what to choose ! plz help me!


roll for life
u should proably be using jabo's d3d 1.5 (comes with pj64 1.5) rather than evoodoo+glide, cos that combination can be slow. now due to ur specs i say DEFINITELY use 1964. be aware that some games wont work as good as pj64, such as Beast Wars Transmetal, Ridge Racer 64, Jet Force Gemeni (unless u hav a hacked version), and maybe few others. 1964 is loads speedier.

to increase speed for any individual game, load it, then go to the rom settings under edit. change the CF to a higher number, u will probably need a CF around 4-6 for every game with a 500mhz pc. no gfx plugin fully supports the savage graphics card range, but they should still work, just dont expect perfect results.
