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1964 disables Direct3d


New member
When I play a ROM in 1964 and then exit the program
my direct3d gets disabled and I have to restart Windows to
get it back.
This happens with any directx plugin I use, but not with any other emu.
Any Ideas?


New member
Here is a pic of the directx diagnostic tool before exiting 1964.

And here is a pic after exiting 1964.


Just Another Wacko ;)
1964 has problems running under Windows 9x-ME (several errors are common). I recommend changing your video card drivers it may help you avoid this error, on the other hand it may not help at all.


The Rocking PC Wiz
PsyMan said:
1964 has problems running under Windows 9x-ME (several errors are common). I recommend changing your video card drivers it may help you avoid this error, on the other hand it may not help at all.

Important, which Catalyst version are you using?

Believe it or not, I'm using Catalyst 3.2 and Catalyst 3.2 seems to be the best
Catalyst version, even when 3.2 is 1 year old, March, 2003.

It seems that most people that have major problems, Direct3D init failures and
requiring 16 BPP just for some GFX rendering engines to init are using Catalyst 4x.


Important, which Catalyst version are you using?

Believe it or not, I'm using Catalyst 3.2 and Catalyst 3.2 seems to be the best
Catalyst version, even when 3.2 is 1 year old, March, 2003.

It seems that most people that have major problems, Direct3D init failures and
requiring 16 BPP just for some GFX rendering engines to init are using Catalyst 4x.

RJA ,the new catalyst 4.5 is as better than the 3.2 one , even in emulation it has the same compatibility . Plus , you get better compatibility in normal games... (Ok , you're right if you talk about 4.2 , that version sucked !) :p

@Joshcoley : You really have to get version 4.5 !

If you want some proofs , here ya go :

The 1st and 2nd screens are taken with GLn64 and the other two with Rice's .
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New member
Catalyst 4.5 is only available for Windows XP.
I downloaded the current version 4.3 for Windows 98,
will try it and see what happens.
