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Gameboy Player Alternative?


New member
seems like datel has developed an alternative to big n's gameboy player...

It's not completely new that you can play Gameboy Advance Games on the big screen using a GameCube. With Nintendo's Gameboy Player you can do just that. Datel's new Advance Game Port does nearly the same, but there are a few significant differences to the Nintendo product.

Nintendo's Gameboy Player's price tag is nearly double of Datels product. While Datel's Advance Game Port is a neat adapter that plugs into the Memory Card Slot of the GameCube, Nintendo's versions is much larger, and goes under the GameCube console.

Both of the products come with a Disc you have to boot in order to use it, Nintendo's disc of course only boots on consoles it's supposed to boot (Japanese Gameboy Player on Japanese consoles etc), while Datel's product is working on all consoles worldwide. Datel's Freeloader can also be used to make the Nintendo Gameboy Player work on import consoles, but you probably know that already.

Datel is not completely new to that kind of products. The GameBooster for the N64 was a software based Emulator accessory playing Gameboy games on the N64. It was made using Marat Fayzullin's VGB emulator core. Not the best example though because it was not capable of playing sounds, but in the meantime Datel has one of the strongest development teams known and usually deliver high quality products.

Nintendos original Gameboy Player is not based on Software, it is a "real" Gameboy Advance system in a case plugging in to the extension port of the GameCube. Because of this it also plays Gameboy and Gameboy Color games -- the Datel version doesn't. It's a pure Gameboy Advance Player.

Datel's new product is expected to be in stock before end of next week, pre-orders for US$ 29.95 are welcome.

source: http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3164

could be interesting especially regarding price but considering how datels gba mp3 player turned out id be careful with that thing and wait for a review.



New member
I'm just not sure people will be thrilled to play GBA games at home when they can bust out a PS2/XBox/GCN... or even an older console.


Dragony thingy
Heh, pure GBA and emulated so it can't be 100% perfect like the GBP. Screw it. You get what you pay for.


Are you actually defending nintendo? They're putting an outrageous price for such a small thing! It's just good a product like this comes out to rival nintendo's stupid outrageous prices. This isn't the first time they've done this...


New member
the gbplayer is indeed a little high priced. however id prefer it over the datel thingie so far because of the simple ability to play *all* gameboy games.


Dragony thingy
Doom, go to your local store and do a simple comparison:

Look at the Game Boy Player.

Then look at the Game Boy Advance (not SP).

Compare prices.

If the GBP was much cheaper, no GCN owner would buy GBA hardware if they only wanted a handful of games and didn't care all that much about gaming on the go.


Sure. I still want items cheaper, however. Competition is not always a bad thing, wether you like the item or not.


Dragony thingy
Doomulation said:
Sure. I still want items cheaper, however. Competition is not always a bad thing, wether you like the item or not.

Oh, I know, competition rocks (except when great companies die off)...

The GBP's price is due to the truly bad kind of competition - competition with oneself. Companies always have to be careful not to compete with themselves...

My first post in this thread was just my opinion of that product, and why this "GBP-lite" is cheaper and not as effective as the real thing. If you only want to play a handful of GBA games and don't mind the odd problem here and there, more power to you. =)


New member
True competition for the GBA will happen when the PSP comes out. :)

That N-Gage just sucks ass, and for it's price, it'll be laughed out of the market before long.


The GBP's great value if you buy it bundled with a gamecube. :)
