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Another GP2X Round Up


DCEmu Webmaster
Category: <b>GP2X</b><br><br>A couple more GP2X releases, here they are:

Outcast v001 (AtariST Emulator for GP2X)

Skeezix has released the first Atari ST Emulator for the GP2X, heres what he says:

<blockquote>This is the first alpha, but folks seem interested so I hope you enjoy! The emulator core should be quite playable, but the system lacks a lot of interfacing so your mileage may vary.

o Savestates aren't stable (they don't save in the right places)
o Menus blink while being used (but mostly work fine)
o Sound is screwy (emu runs too fast
o No throttling (may run too fast
o No virtual keyboard (so hard to fire up most games..)

That said..
o The emu runs _fast_! At 200Mz (default, no options to change it yet but you can use the clock setter tool until I add it) it runs full speed or too fast most of the time, at frameskip 0; math heavy games will run slower.
o ST Games Database lookups aren't cached, but work fine and individual lookups are fast
o For games where the UI gets you into it, they should run great
o The disk picker works; it'll show the disk images in /roms/atari-st and let you pick whiches ones are in which drives

Remember.. you need a TOS.ROM file, in /roms/atari-st!

To get you into a few games, I've hacked up some keys..

Y is both 'spacebar' and '1'
X is fire button on joystick
A is left mouse click
B is right mouse click
Joystick is both mouse push and joystick

You will note that you can fire up Xenon 2 no problem with these keys; you can probably fire up a bunch of other stuff, too

So, enjoy portable Xenon 2, imperfect as it is.</blockquote>


Vice 2X Alpha 2 (Multi System Emulator for the GP2X)

Snaff has updated the release of Vice2X the emulator which supports Commodore computers including the c64, c128, Plus 4, PET, CBM-11 and the VIC20 .

The main updates in this release are the virtual keyboards and screen scaling option.

