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[need help] SaturnTV -- a new Saturn emulator for Windows


New member
Hellow Cyberman, and everybody.
Thanks to Cyberman for your SH2 documents and support and thanks
to Doomulation and tbag for your kindniss and support.(toobig1 is my web name long ago, now my web name is subleaf)
I have disappeared so long time, I have been learning nasm and Win32;
Because I know c++ can not reach the top of the speed and whether an emu can success depends on it's debugger.
Now SaturnTV is still in a preliminary state and it can not get progress because lacking of cdblock emulation.
Here is the state of the project:

SH2 100%
SMPC 90% (I can not understand the last three commands NMIREQ, RESENAB, RESDISA now)
SCU 70% (lack timing of DMA and some commands of DSP havent been finished)

VDP1 15% (only finished draw normal sprite command, and added some VDP1 stuff)
VDP2 0%

m68k 0% (although there are many m68k emulators, but they are all coded in c++. So I want code one in asm to speedup the emulation.)
scsp 0% (the SCSP user's manual has no real infos about DSP, so if someone have info about it, don't forget to
contact me.([email protected]

This is the main problem of the project now.
Bios can not go on because lacking of CDblock emulation.
I need documents about "CR registers" and "cd commands" in cdblock.
If someone have info about it, don't forget to contact me.([email protected])
If someone have good information about ASPI programming or low level CD drive operation on Windows or Saturn, please
contact me. ([email protected])
If someone have the Sega Saturn Documents (ST-38-R2, ST-40-R1, ST-100-R1-A,
ST-162-B-R1-042795, ST-136-B-R3-052395, ST-277-040596, ST-161-062094) or have
the web address where I can get the documents please contact me.([email protected])
I will try my best to code SaturnTV.
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