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  1. J

    Illbleed issue, not major but annoying

    Hiyas, I have searched the forums and no posts that I could find on this Illbleed issue but first my comp specs are as follows, P42.6 ghz Dual Core processor Windows XP SP1, 1.5 gig RAM, Nvidia GeForce 6600 256MB RAM AGP 8x video card(Im a gamer) with 115 gig of Hardrive space. The issue is...
  2. J

    Read this if you want some help on loading /saving

    Hi to all, I'm new to the forums but not new to emulation and been toying around with Chankast for awhile now, I wanted to share my instructions on anyone still having problems on how to save and load there games using the vmsbrowser.exe. Im NOT posting as a moderator(of course :)) but...
