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  1. G

    New Dreamcast emulator (Plays Games-Well Kinda)

    DEMUL - Sega Dreamcast Emulator for Windows is the website for a new dreamcast emulator but im not sure is people have posted this before, oh well it wont hert to post it again lol
  2. G

    Soinc Adventure 2

    Ages ago i read that sonic adventure dose not work on a nvidia graphics card and i tested that and you guys where right nothing but a multi-coloured screen but the other day i got a new graphics card (still Nvidia but newer) and you know when you get you want to test absolutly everything well...
  3. G


    I think we can safely say there not bringing a new version soon. What do you think?
  4. G

    Is there going to be a new version?

    Is there going to be a new version? and have they fixed sonic adventure 2 and its incompatibility with nvidia. Im not sure if this is breaking the rules because i didnt ask when it was being relesed
  5. G

    Sonic Adventure 2

    I know that NVIDIA users cant play sonic adventure 2 but is there anything that i can do to be able to play it. short of using Wireframe. if not do you think it we be able to be emulated in the new version?
