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  1. .TrIdAn.

    Zelda WW

    Can zelda WW run fast in a 200 $ videocard?
  2. .TrIdAn.

    Haking to Zelda OOT

    does anyone know how to hack in zelda orcarina of time, im a skinner and i wanted to skin that link but i dont no how to get it out of game. :plain:
  3. .TrIdAn.

    Trilight princes

    Would the demo of trilight princes work when it comes out>?
  4. .TrIdAn.


    :robot: hi i was wondering if i shrinked a gcm would it run faster? I did it ones but and stpoed skink.
  5. .TrIdAn.

    Sonic Adventures 2 Battle

    well wind waker didnt much work. but i downloaded sonic 2 and its works perfect. only thing worng is speed. but it does not run slow or fast. it runs medium wich is almost close to fast. :bunny:
  6. .TrIdAn.

    Zelda ww trouble

    hi im new and i opened ww in dolphin and it runs slow and with bad graphics. and my video card is Geforce 4 mx 420.
