Recent content by ViperK8B

  1. ViperK8B

    Gcube Help?

    I downloaded Gcube v0.2 on the down stairs computer and when i try and start it i get this error "the paging file is too small for this operation to complete" anyone got any answers to this problem?
  2. ViperK8B

    Dolphin and warp-pipe?

    does anyone think it would be possable in the future of this emulator to use warp-pipe (online program for gamecube) with dolphin? :huh:
  3. ViperK8B

    Amazing Island runs...well sorta =D

    i tested amazing island on the dolphin teaser no video showed up but fps and video were going so thats a good sign. :icecream: or should this be in compatability thread?
  4. ViperK8B


    has a service pack 2 been relesed for pj64 or know of anyone who might be working on one? and yes i do know they are unofficial. :icecream:
  5. ViperK8B

    Giving props, Where props are due

    I'd like to say great job dolphin team on the emulator so far, cant wait for the beta release, keep up the good work. :bouncy:
