Recent content by RockDal

  1. RockDal

    Another sound Q

    Hi all I am using 1964 and it works great except for the sound. I am using a really crappy computer this is the specs: AMD Athlon K7 Classic 750 Asus K7V Motherboard Geforce 2 MX 32MB MSI Soundblaster 128 pci 512 SDRAM I am using these plugins Rice's video plugin 5.6.0 Schibo's audio plugin...
  2. RockDal

    Gamepad buttons?

    I have a problem. I know that a easy solution to this problem is to buy a new gamepad but i dont want that right know =). I have a microsoft sidewinder with six buttons. How should i map these is all the buttons on the N64 pad used in all games? Can i have different mappings for different...
  3. RockDal

    Command line

    Hi everybody I am new here! I am trying to start 1964 from the command line like this: C:\Program\1964\099>1964 -v RiceVideo5.5.1.dll -a schiboAud.dll -c NRage_DInput8_V2.dll -r c:\ -g c:\Mario.rom It starts 1964 and runs the rom i get sound but no picture. I only see the 1964 interface with...
