Recent content by messiaen

  1. M

    Music/SFX replacement with emulator hack (Mario 64)

    Hi, Some months ago I did a quick (and cheap) proof-of-concept SFX/Music replacement for Mario 64. It simple traps some sound/music related functions and instead plays up .wav or .mid files instead on some selected sounds/sequences. Even with a much more complex approach, there would be a...
  2. M

    Notebook performance

    Hi, I just bought a new notebook and I was wondering if it might run some GC or WII games at decent speed. Here are the specs: Intel Corei3-350M @ 2.25Ghz nVIDIA GeForce GT 325M (1GB) 4GB RAM DDR3 x64 Win 7 So far the only game I've tried is MegaMan 9 on some later revision, but graphics were...
  3. M

    Super Mario 64: The Missing Stars

    This is the first ever "complete" hack of Mario 64. None of the original levels have been used and the gamplay has been changed in many aspects. Main Features: - 38 stars in about 10 levels - A Day/night cycle replacing (most) act selectors - Choose to play as Mario or Luigi - Modified...
