Recent content by Mavtak

  1. M

    Arcadia Preview 2 Released

    Hey, guys. You might remember me from a while back. I used to make an emulator frontend called FRI. I've rewritten it from scratch, and called the new program Arcadia. This release's blog post is here, and Arcadia Preview 2 (version 1.0.489.0), is available for download here. My goal for...
  2. M

    FRI Version Released!

    FRI version is here! This version of FRI brings Community Ratings, a way to find great ROMs in your collection that you haven’t played before. This version also contains underlying updates to how FRI scans for ROMs, resulting in a better user experience. This release’s code is closer...
  3. M

    FRI version available

    Every so often I will want FRI to be able to something, and then I realize, "Hey! I’m the one who writes it!" This time I had a problem to solve. I just got a new laptop for college, and I wanted to have some ROMs on it. The problem is that I have hundreds of gigs of ROMs, and only would...
  4. M

    FRI version available

    I just released another version of FRI. :-) Download FRI version here. Change log: New "FRI User Settings.xml" file for storing user settings Change: the last search is not stored in the new user settings file New feature: the user can now rearrange the columns in the main FRI...
  5. M

    FRI Version Available (along with source code)

    OK, this thing has baked long enough. It’s time to release a new version. Download FRI version Download the source code for FRI version here Change log: cleaned-up and documented code for increased efficiency and to get FRI ready for open sourcing Relative paths are now...
  6. M

    FRI version

    More information download I usually include the change log in a post like this, but this one has a lot of pictures in it, so it would take too long to change everything into BB code. The new main features: The ability to search by image health The Advanced Search and Emulator Selector windows...
  7. M

    FRI Version

    Hey guys. I just finished the next release of FRI. Version brings the ability to extract even more preexisting information out of the ROMs. For example, if a ROM has [!] in the file name, then it is marked as a healthy. [b] would mark it as unhealthy, (1987) would mean that it was...
  8. M

    FRI Version Released!

    Added feature: Net Play makes it easy to initiate a net play session with people on the same LAN. Added feature: Right-click on a ROM and select "Look up in Wikipedia" to get for information about the ROM. Added feature: Right-click on a ROM and select "Open containing folder" to go to the...
  9. M

    What can a good ROM manager do?

    I'm looking for more features to add to my ROM manager, FRI. What are some things that a good ROM manager should do? What are some frustrations that users experience when playing ROMs that might be solved by a ROM manager? Thanks. =]
  10. M

    FRI version Released!

    And now you can edit ROM information! :) Download it here Read more about it here
  11. M

    The Solution to large ROM libraries

    I have a lot of ROMs, and they aren't all from the same platform. Also, there are just so many that it's a pain to get to the few that I play regularly. My solution to this was to write a program to index all of my ROMs and allow me to search my ROM library, rate my ROMs, and double-click to...
