Recent content by DeathFox007

  1. DeathFox007

    2 questions

    What are the controls? And I loaded Metriod prime, so i was wondering is it supposed to be sluggish or is it just my pc?
  2. DeathFox007

    Help me regarding Encarta!!!

    I get this on the main page and in the videos page. And theres supposed to be a menu there. Plz help! Help!
  3. DeathFox007

    SOA Patcher

    When running the Skies of Arcadia Patcher, it seems to stop at some point. And stays there for a long time. When I go to task manager, it shoiws its running. Is this normal or do I have a bad copy of the patcher?
  4. DeathFox007

    Memory Card

    MY game always says my memory card has zero free blocks. But I havent saved a single game yet. How do I make the Memory card work on this emu?
  5. DeathFox007

    Editing FF

    Is there a way to edit textures off Final Fantays VII or VIII for the PC. Or maybe even the in-game models?
  6. DeathFox007

    Ei Rice, plz read this

    Your current Beta10 plug-in renders in-game differently, as shown on the comparison. Can u plz try and make it so it can be rendered in-game as it is shown in photoshop or sumthing. Thanks
  7. DeathFox007

    D-Fox's No Mercy Caws

  8. DeathFox007

    So... is there a way to edit the sounds also?

    Like replacing the sounds and stuff? Coz I read that theres a way to export sounds, so is there also a way to import sounds?
  9. DeathFox007

    Is editing music in GBA Roms possible?

    Like replacing them w/ sumthing else? And also, ive been curios for a long time. Since emulators run on a pc and emulators have more power than the consoles, can we edit ROMs like cramming much stuff in it and putting 3D Graphics and stuff, so can it be still played on Emus but cant be played in...
  10. DeathFox007

    Can this run full speed?

    I mean can this run commercial games at a decent frame rate?
  11. DeathFox007

    Texture exporting help

    Im just curios, whenever I export VMRL option. There are bitmaps created that has sum pics. Anyways, the filename's are different each new bmp. So r the filenames of the bitmap like 6329F2AD_c.bmp , is the 6329F2AD_c part its offset value? Coz i was wondering. Nid reply ASAP
  12. DeathFox007

    Need major help!!!

    Can N64 music be extracted from the ROM? Also, can it then be imported back? Like updating the music. And since models can be exported, is there a way to import them back to the game?
  13. DeathFox007

    How do I extract models from PS2 ISOs?

    I read sumwhere b4 that models and stuff like music, etc. can be ripped from a PS2 ISO. Can anyone tell me or show me a link on how to get models? Plz, nid it badly. Thanks
