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Hola!, antes que nada quiero agradecer a auqellos que confiaron en mí y en mi proyecto.
Desgraciadamente a otras personas no les bastó con solo no confiar en el. Tomándose atribuciones que tal vez no debieron tomarse (por respeto a quienes si me dieron una posibilidad), dedicaron gran parte de su tiempo no solo a desprestigiarme sino también a borrar y eliminar toda posibilidad de descarga, lo cual fue determinante para dar por concluida la continuación, al menos pública de mi proyecto.
Seguramente seguiré trabajando en el, no solo por hacer realidad el deseo de que muchos que como yo que no poseen una PC muy potente puedan disfrutar de mas y mejores juegos de Nintendo64, sino también y principalmente por todos los días y noches de duro trabajo que para el he dedicado. Todos aquellos quienes realmente amamos y disfrutamos de este arte que es la programación, sabemos lo difícil y complicado que es tomar el source code de otro, analizarlo, interpretarlo y si da la posibilidad, poder al fin retomar su desarrollo para hacerlo aun mejor.
Si tuviera que explicar como y porque tome la decisión de continuar el desarrollo de este gran... como definirlo, mitad emulador, mitad "romplayer", la verdad es que es una historia que comenzó exactamente el cuarto día en que la versión publica 1.0.0 del UltraHLE salio a la luz. Recuerdo que lo descargue sin saber absolutamente nada en lo que a emuladores y todo eso respecta, y no paso mucho tiempo para que se convirtiera en mi emulador preferido. Inmediatamente me vi en la obligación de descargarme al menos tres títulos: Super Mario64, Starfox64, y por ultimo el Zelda OoT, el cual termino por convencerme que el UltraHLE no era otro fracaso mas como si lo fue el viejo ProjectUnreality (al cual sin embargo no le quito meritos, ya que fue uno de los que le dio inicio al difícil trabajo de emulación de esta consola). Inmediatamente después vino la parte mas complicada, averiguar como fue posible el desarrollo de este gran emulador y que se había utilizado para ello... Recuerdo que fueron muchas tardes colgado a una muy baja conexión a Internet hasta que pude al fin averiguar que herramientas se habían usado y, posteriormente, proceder a descargarme todas y cada una de ellas... Desgraciadamente hubo un punto que no tuve en cuenta en medio de mi entusiasmo y era que me faltaba lo más importante: el source code!.
Sinceramente hubo muchos momentos en los que pensé y me plantee el hecho de eliminar todo lo que con mucho esfuerzo había descargado, debido a que pasaban los meses y el código nunca salia a la luz, pero por suerte en vez de hacer eso, en cuanto tuve la posibilidad grabe todo en un CD. Obviamente este estuvo guardado (y hasta casi olvidado) hasta el día en que por fin, alguien libero el leaked source code. Desde ese momento todo cambio, enseguida quise ponerme a trabajar en el y me tope con varias sorpresas: por un lado el hecho de que el source code liberado no era exactamente igual al utilizado para la versión final; por el otro, que varias de las herramientas que habían sido utilizadas seguramente funcionaron perfecto por aquellos años, pero fue bastante difícil hacer que funcionaran de la misma manera en mi Windows XP, una traba que no me esperaba...
Obviamente (y como me lo esperaba), al momento de compilarlo tiro muchos mas errores de los que me hubiese imaginando (ni recuerdo cuantos), y hacer que ellos desaparecieran fue un muy duro trabajo, y ni hablar en cuanto a las modificaciones posteriores que hice... Enumerarlas seria demasiado largo y aburrido, pero voy a resumirlas en pocas palabras: primero corregir la función de carga del rom para que soportase nombres con espacios; luego corregir algunas rutinas y sobre todos valores en muchas funciones que hacen a los gráficos (ya que algunas de ellas producían extraños delays bajo Win XP) y al sonido (el mas complicado), y por ultimo varias modificaciones al núcleo del emulador (por llamarlo de alguna manera) que hicieron posible entre otras cosas el soporte del Expansion Pack. En medio de esto hubo mucho trabajo de debug, corrección y eliminación de código que si bien en un principio era importante, fue quedando redundante y obsoleto con los distintos cambios que fui haciendo. Obviamente también hubo cambios en el GUI pero esos son los menos importantes.
En resumen, todo este trabajo de análisis, verificación, chequeo y corrección da como resultado algo absolutamente lógico: aun después de todos los cambios de funciones y PRINCIPALMENTE de valores realizados, el 98% del código sigue siendo igual al del UltraHLE original, y es lógico, mi intención por el momento no es reescribir de cero el código fuente del emulador, sino hacer de este mas rápido y mas estable, algo que ese pequeño pero muy importante 2% modificado si pudo aportar.


New member

Pero creo que cometí un gran error y fue el hecho de querer mantener la línea original del emulador, motivo por el cual no quise comprimir el ejecutable final con ninguna utilidad, un detalle menor pero que le dio la posibilidad a aquellos que no creían en mi desarrollo de editar y comparar el código con el del emulador original. descubriendo con un criterio muy poco amplio lo que explique hace unos momentos, ese 98% igual al del original...
De ahí sus sospechas, las cuales considero validas (pensándolo a su modo y con sus fundamentos son aceptables), pero lamentablemente viendo como ellos hacían de sus sospechas verdades y, no solo eso, sino también privando la posibilidad a todos aquellos que si creyeron en mi proyecto de poder emitir su opinión cerrando los threads que abrí, o simplemente la mínima posibilidad de descargarlos (también fueron eliminados).
No se, hubiese preferido que las cosas fuesen diferentes, que se aceptasen las diferencias de criterios, sobre todos para aquellos que como yo solo intentan aportar una pequeña contribución a la escena de la emulación sin tener que dar demasiadas explicaciones, pero es evidente que no es uno quien pone las reglas, sino los moderadores, algo que acepto absolutamente, pero siempre y cuando estos no malinterpreten las atribuciones adquiridas y no confundan moderar con censurar o, aun peor, con desprestigiar...
El proyecto será públicamente descontinuado, ya que no han sido pocos los sitios que han publicado que mis trabajos eran fakes... después de esto no tiene sentido seguir aportando mas a su desarrollo si posteriormente este no será utilizado como un aporte sino como un motivo valido de difamación, censura y desprestigio...
Y a todos aquellos que confiaron en mi realización, de nuevo, no soy yo quien pone las reglas. Creanme que es totalmente desalentador ver que las cosas funcionen de esta manera.
De todas maneras hay muchos otros UltraHLEs por venir (como el cada día más cercano ULtraHLE 2.0), y yo también seré uno más que disfrutara mucho de realizaciones de grandes programadores como Dominator o muchos otros.
Oficialmente este es mi ultimo post en el foro, les deseo suerte a todos (tanto a quienes confiaron en mi como a los que no)...
(the_great_d2, Lyzel, augias, ra5555 y a todos los que confiaron y contribuyeron en mi proyecto, gracias!).
Agradeceria mucho si alguien tradujese este post al ingles.



New member
Translates To:
Hello!, above all I want to thank to auqellos that trusted in myself and in my project. Unfortunately to other persons them did not suffice with alone not to trust in the. Being taken attributions that perhaps should not be taken (by respect to who if they gave me a possibility), they dedicated great part of their not alone time to desprestigiarme but also to erase and to eliminate every possibility of discharge, which determinant went to give for concluded the continuation, to the less public of my project. Surely I will follow working in the, not alone by doing reality the desire that many that as I that do not possess a PC very powerful they can enjoy but and better play of Nintendo64, but also and mainly for every day and nights of hard job that for the I have dedicated. All those who really we love and we enjoy this art that is the programming, we know the difficult thing and complicated that is to take the source code of another, to analyze it, to interpret it and if gives the possibility, to be able to the end retomar its development to do it even better. If it had to explain as and because take the decision to continue the development of this great one... as defining it, half emulador, half "romplayer", the truth is that is a history that began exactly the fourth day in which the version publishes 1.0.0 of the UltraHLE salio to the light. Remembrance that discharge it without knowing absolutely nothing in which to emuladores and all that respecta, and not step a great deal of time so that to become my emulador preferred. Immediately I saw myself in the obligation to discharge me to the less three titles: Super Mario64, Starfox64, and by ultimo the Zelda OoT, which I finish for convincing me that the UltraHLE was not another failure but as if the old one was it ProjectUnreality (to which however do not I remove meritos, since was one of the ones that gave start to the difficult job of emulation of this console). Immediately later it came the part but complicated, to ascertain as was possible the development of this great one emulador and that had been utilized for it.. Remembrance that were many late hanging to a very drop connection to Internet until I was able to the end to ascertain that tools had been used and, subsequently, to proceed to discharge me all and each one of them.. Unfortunately there was a point that did not keep in mind in the middle of my enthusiasm and was that it lacked me more important: the source code! Sincerely there were many moments in which I thought and the fact present me to eliminate everything that with a great deal of effort had dischargeed, due to that they passed the months and the code never salia to the light, but by luck instead of doing that, as soon as had the possibility engrave all in a CD. Obviously this it was kept (and to almost forgot) to the day in which at last, someone I free the leaked source code. Since that moment every change, enseguida wanted to begin to work in the and myself tope with several surprises: on the one hand the fact that the source code freed he was not exactly equal upon utilizing for the final version; by the other, that several of the tools that had been utilized surely they functioned perfect by those years, but was enough difficult to do that they functioned in the same way in myXP, a bond that me did not expect.. Obviously (and as me it expected it), to the moment to compile it shot many but errors of the ones that had me imagining (neither remembrance as many as), and to do that they to disappear was a very hard job, and neither to speak as for the subsequent modifications that I did.. To enumerate them serious too much long and bored, but I am going to summarize them in few words: first to correct the function of load of the rom so that bore names with spaces; then to correct some routines and upon all values in many functions that do to the graphics (since some of them they produced strange delays under Win XP) and to the sound (the but complicated), and by ultimo several modifications to the nucleusOf some way) that they did possible among others things the backup of the Expansion Pack. In the middle of this there was a great deal of job of debug, correction and elimination of code that though at first was important, went remaining redundante and obsoleto with the distinct changes that went doing. Obviously also there were changes in the GUI but those are the less important. All in all, all this job of analysis, verification, chequeo and correction gives as a result something absolutely logical: even after all the changes ofFunctions and MAINLY of values carried out, the 98% of the code follows being equal to that of the UltraHLE original, and is logical, my intention by the moment is not reescribir of zero the code fountain of the emulador, but to do of this but quick and but stable, something that that small but very important 2% modified if could contribute.


New member
Post Continued:

But I create that I committed a great error and was the fact to want to maintain the original line of the emulador, motive by which I did not want to compress the ejecutable final with no utility, a smaller detail but that gave the possibility to those that did not they believe in my development to publish and to compare the code with that of the emulador original. discovering with a criterion very little extensive whatSome moments, that 98% equal to that of the original one.. From there their you suspect, which I consider validate (thinking it to their way and with their bases are acceptable), but lamentably seeing as them they did of their suspect truths and, not alone that, but also depriving the possibility to all those that if they believed in my project of being able to emit their opinion closing the threads that opened, or simply the most minimum possibility of discharge (also they were dischargeing themd). Themselves not, it had preferred that the things fuesen different, that the differences of criteria were accepted, upon all for those that as I alone try to contribute a small contribution to the scene of the emulation without have to give demasiadas explanations, but is evident that is not one who puts the rules, but the moderadores, something that accept absolutely, but whenever these not malinterpreten the attributions acquired and notThey confuse to moderate with censuring or, even more worse, with desprestigiar.. The project publically will be discontinued, since have not been few the places that have published that my jobs were fakes... after this does not have sense to follow contributing but to its development if subsequently this will not be utilized as a contribute but as a motive availed oneself of defamation, reproof and desprestigio.. And to all those that they trusted in my execution, again, am not I who puts the rules. They believe me that it is totally desalentador to see that the things function in this manner. Of all ways there are many other UltraHLEs by coming (as the each more nearby day ULtraHLE 2.0), and I will also be one more than enjoyed a great deal of executions of large programmers as Dominator or many other. Officially this it is my ultimo post in the forum, them desire luck to all (so much to who they trusted in my as to the ones that not) ... (The_great_d2, Lyzel, augias, ra5555 and to all the ones that trusted and they contributed in my project, thanks!) Agradeceria a great deal if someone translated this post to the ingles.



New member
From what I gathered on Google translation he is saying:

He wanted to make small changes to the Emulator, but due to non believers he is stopping (public development).

He ends by wishing Dominator et al the best of luck with development of the new UltraHLE 2.0. He also thanks those who have supported him.

Can now be closed methinks :p


Chankast rocks ^^
Bueno, a decir verdad, yo me mostraba un poco esceptico con tu proyecto al ver los datos que aportaban algunos de los moderadores y miembros con los bytes hexadecimales y todo eso (eso sin contar de que además los cambios a simple vista son minimos).
¿Por que no haces una cosa? Si de verdad vas en serio, ¿por que no añades algo al emulador que solo sea posible mediante codigo fuente? Por ejemplo, podrias hacer funcional el menu de configurar los controles (que no funciona ni se puede cambiar). No se nada de C++ , pero no creo que eso sea muy dificil si dominas el tema. Con eso supongo que seria suficiente para poder ganarte la confianza de los demás.


New member
Johann... es cierto, tal vez debi haber hecho mas progresos en el emu antes de publicarlo, pero preferi ir publicandolo mas frecuentemente (a medida que añadia o modificaba cosas), y un poco de apoyo hubiera sido muy bueno, sobre todo por lo dificil y complejo que es llevar adelante este proyecto, pero sinceramente ya he sido lo suficientemente desalentado como para seguir. Necesito un tiempo para pensar si continuar o no, sinceramente me da mucha pena tener que descontinuarlo pero por otro lado es absolutamente denigrante ver lo que se hizo en este foro, y desde aqui en varios sitios... por ello, he decidio abandonar esto por un tiempo... cuanto no lo se.
No creo que el metodo sea vivir justificando lo que uno hace por personas que no creen, sol pretendi aportar algo y fue duramente castigado. De veras, tanto a ti como a todos, no voy a hacer mas post (ello incluye contestar lo que en este y otros threads se me pregunte o aconseje). De nuevo gracias, gracias a BeatBOy por la traduccion y suerte a todos.
End of transmission...


Philosopher Warrior
um. . . isn't there a RULE about posting in a language other than english??? didn't we discuss thsi before? close this please.


Beta Tester
che l@g no le des bolas a estos boludos, por favor contactate conmigo por e-mail, participo con los creadores de los drivers de 3dfx para xp, compatibles con directx9, necesito hablar con vos ya!!


To Be Continued...
Once again, no proof and more excuses. This fake tries to give his project a martyr's death, hoping to make his mark on our community.


Beta Tester
it's obvious this is no hack, it's a slight modification of the source as stated multiple times, it's just lame that just because u've been dissappointed so many times u throw all your shit into some dude u don't even know instead of giving him a chance... damn this community sux
And regards language, L@g's english sucks big time, so it's much easier to write in spanish and if u don't understand it, go learn it


Philosopher Warrior
i DO happen to understand spanish (better that most understand the rules of this board) thank you very much. get a life and someone for the LOVE of emulation please close this useless thread.


N64 Newbie
well... sorry to see you go L@g... you could of produced something.. everyone starts small right? Every great emulation coders have to learn right? We should give l@g a chance...


CpU MasteR

omg h4x
ra5555 said:
well... sorry to see you go L@g... you could of produced something.. everyone starts small right? Every great emulation coders have to learn right? We should give l@g a chance...


He is not leaving the scene, he is leaving emutalk because we caught him in a lie... :sleepy:


New member
Tri-Force said:
um. . . isn't there a RULE about posting in a language other than english??? didn't we discuss thsi before? close this please.

WTF? hey man, i've seen your previous posts about l@g before. who the heck are you? Another f*uckin' flamer? what RULE prevents someone to write in*ANY* language they want? you just talk about "dominator said this, dominator said that". I agree, he is a great coder, supra is here 'cause of him and the crew, but who are YOU? do you think you are RESPECTED on the scene? Well buddy, i have some word for you. I have just arrived, have NO respect for anyone by now, and NEVER, EVER will have respect for a F*UCKIN' FLAMER.... say goodbye to l@g. Thanks to guys like you, bastard, another emu coder is out. Wanna read l@g's last post? then GET REAL and do some SPANISH CLASS, bastard.


Nintendo Zealot
Look.. if you had any fucking knowledge at all, you'd know that a byte for byte comparison proving nothing changed would mean it's a fake. Here, we're damn fed up with lamers joining this board and pulling a bunch of shit. Our expert hackers are definetely a force to be reckoned with, no one will get past them. :sly:


Philosopher Warrior
are you out of your little brain you one post flame monkey. first of all it WAS discussed that posting in other language was generally not to be done and if i can find where MARTIN himself (or at least i THINK it was him) said that then i will quote it and show it to you. and where do you get off calling me a flamer? if you read ALL of what i said i was one of the people who started out beliving in L@g but FACTS ARE FACTS you frickin lamer. get a life, dont join a message board just to curse at me. GEEZE people.

oh and by the way you moron, I AM HISPANIC!!!! I UNDERSTNAD SPANISH!!!!


New member
Tri-Force said:
are you out of your little brain you one post flame monkey. first of all it WAS discussed that posting in other language was generally not to be done and if i can find where MARTIN himself (or at least i THINK it was him) said that then i will quote it and show it to you. and where do you get off calling me a flamer? if you read ALL of what i said i was one of the people who started out beliving in L@g but FACTS ARE FACTS you frickin lamer. get a life, dont join a message board just to curse at me. GEEZE people.

oh and by the way you moron, I AM HISPANIC!!!! I UNDERSTNAD SPANISH!!!!

All you do is flame this or flame that, flame here and flame there? WTF don't the Moderators ban you? Can't you make one intelligent post for once?! WTF? Chill! Think before you post, if what you're going to post is mostly to flame someone, then don't post??? Are you a 13 year old?!?


Unlike some people on this forum, I am very open minded and I do not just come to a conclusion based solely on what others have shown me. I don't care whether you're the president, some fat guy with no life, an experienced coder who has been on the scenes forever, etc, etc. I make my own conclusions! Thank you very much!

As for L@g: :)
Yo no se mucho espanol, pero si tu ere verda.. no escuche a eso mono locos que no saben nada y continua to programa! Terminar el programa nadamas le da a ello ganar!

( hahahahaha :D *i did little spanish there!*)
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