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1964 dunt hardly work



ive never been able to get many roms workin on 1964. most of em start up and i just get a black screen or i get an error telling me to restart 1964. or an error that has somethin to do with ucodes. i dont even know what u codes are????????????:(


Lord of the Cats
#1 thing i would do is try to restart the roms that tell you to restart 1964. I get it the first time (yes, just the very first time) I load ANY rom, after that, most of em work fine. #2, did you make sure you are using .73? .83 is only mostly ok on 2k and XP, and even then... ya. Just use .73. other than that, plugins... Use Jabo's D3D from pj64. use Azi's sound, if you have the processor to do it quickly. Input is either Nrage or the noote_di that comes with 1964. Make sure to have configured these, or you wont be able to run the emu, and it won't be pretty. And that's pretty much it. If you haven't done this, then you probably won't have a lot of fun with n64 emu.
