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the "lub" story


<@flouride> I'll be your saviour neonred
<neonred> flouride
<neonred> ur smelly
<neonred> piss off
<neonred> ah who carez
<@flouride> but I lub j00 neonred
<neonred> yep
<neonred> cryh
<neonred> alert
<neonred> yeah
<neonred> is he a racist
<neonred> and shit
<neonred> yep wat he say?
<@flouride> cum to man-hole with me! it's like #bearcave, cept in real life!
<neonred> dirty
<neonred> gay bastard
<neonred> flouride
<neonred> i bet u r gay
<neonred> u gay botz
<@flouride> that's not what you said last night!
<neonred> huh
<@flouride> you said you lub'd me
<neonred> yo jitter that song is grovy


very sad log. Passive told me to change my post and say it was dabods instead of him.
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evil *******
umm.. ok... someone just told me about this post, and I really don't know why aprentice would claim I did something he did, but who knows, ren's a loser.
