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wwf no mercy and wrestlemania question ???


New member
hey ,
does wrestlemania 2000 and wwf no mercy work perfectly????
what i mean is are the menus and all that stuff visible and is it fully playable ????????


New member
I always find this type of question a little odd, I mean why can't you just download the Emulator (very small file) and try it out for yourself?

In reply though, No Mercy and WWF 2000 both seem to work fine for me (on my last recollection at least). The Menus do appear as well for No Mercy, but there are other problems that are present.


Maybe he hasn't downloaded the roms and wish to know it.
Maybe he heard it somewhere and wanted to make sure...


New member
wrestke mania is perfect but wwf no mercy's problem is that u cant save anything because nemu have no flashrom saving
