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Keyboard plus mouse?


New member
There's a target in Zelda OoT that's impossible to hit using the keyboard controls; no matter how quickly I tap a directional button, it moves in one discrete "chunk" too large for precision aiming. Using the mouse instead works great for aiming but is impossibly awkward for everything else, so I wonder if there's a way to enable both keyboard and mouse input (or, alternately, make the keyboard D-button input more fine-grained)?


New member
I know exactly what you're talking about. The problem is, the plugins lack extras such as keyboard movement modifiers or using the mouse as an analog stick (which plugin authors are averse to doing anyway), and there are no third party mupen64 plugins. Your best workaround for trick targets at this point is to hold down Z, activate the bow/slingshot (but don't shoot), hold and release a directional, then fire as the bow/slingshot slowly re-centers itself. For certain targets, it'll take a few tries, but that's what save states are for :)
(I got one of those trick targets with this method)
