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Another 'briliant idea' light bulbs you can control on the internet


Light bulbs with remote control via idiotnet err internet.

Now before you think it's a cool idea, consider the amount of malicious behavior on the internet today. It's a disaster begging to happen. Any kid can cause havoc when they aren't trying too. Just think of disgruntled children.

"TOM CRUISE house lights blinking weirdly at 3AM hacked by 12 year old. Little Johny X says 'oh is that whose house lights I powned! Kewl!'"

I need not say more do I? Security is a oxymoron on the internet.


Active member
Read that earlier today - also saw some months ago, some "wall wart computers" supporting zwave and or zigbee automation units etc :) not sure if any supported X 10 or not though.

Put it on a separate subnet from your public-facing one, and setup some sort of public key escrow and password scheme combo (or device 'signatures') and you could make it make a fairly safe gateway to allow completely remote control too :p


Sony battery
@smcd: That will work for some of us, but what about the frighteningly large percentage of the population who still have to be told at least twice a day that you click on the big 'E' to get to the internet? :p
