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how can I combine .rar roms to make it become playable rom??


New member
Hello, I just downloaded Killer Instinct gold rom yesterday from a website but the problem is that file is divided into 4 parts and they are all .rar type file.So my question is how can I combine those 4 files which are in .rar format to become a playable rom.You know a sort of like decompress or compression I guess(I don't know what they are really??).Is there any program that does this kind of things???Where can I download this program??The website that I downloaded these rom from does'nt tell me anything on how to make these .rar files to become a playable rom.Please help me????Thank You!!!


New member
Yes, I do have Winrar installed on my computer but how can I combine those files????It's so confusing.....Please Help me I'm very desperate.Thank You!


Why don't you just try opening the main file because the other ones are just the other parts of the file.

The Khan Artist

Warrior for God
Whoa... he said they're ALL in .rar format. That's not right. One of them is .rar, the others should be .r00, .r01, and .r02. Good luck figuring out which is which. :p
