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File type question


New member
I successfully .A64 uploaded files from 007 The World is Not Enough and WWF Attitude and got them to work with my Project 64 (put them in MPK files through NRage).

However, when I tried this with Perfect Dark and WWF Wrestlemania 2000, the data--when I view it in "Mempack content" in P64 or by holding start at power-up--is misspelled. Perfect Dark's data note is "Rfect Dark." and Wrestlemania 2000's is "Estlemania 2000." How do I fix this? The games aren't recognizing or loading the data, and it's frustrating.

Thanks guys!
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New member
Well, I got it spelled right...But Perfect Dark and WM2000 both won't recognize/read the data! It acts as though no information for those games are on the memory pack at all. Please help me out guys!
