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xbox 360 controller configuration


New member
I have the xbox 360 wireless controller setup with the microsoft wireless adapter and it works great... The only thing is that I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for the button configuration. The controller does not seem to translate that well. I have the left and right bumpers as L + R obviously. RT is Z, A + B are A + B. and the C buttons are up,down,left,right on the right joystick. I wanted to use the four a,b,x,y for the C buttons but then I wouldnt have enough for L + R, A + B, Z. I guess the setup isnt too bad but does any1 have any suggestions?


New member
I use the Xbox 360 controller, and I keep fiddling with the configuration so I made this as a quick reference to show which button is which number:

Also, I was quite pleased with myself when I came up with a way to play Goldeneye like a modern shooter, i.e. dual stick. I'm using "Jabo's DirectInput7 1.6". On the controller configuration plug in your second controller, and set controllers one AND two to "controller {xbox 360 for windows}" on the drop down. On the start menu OF THE GAME set the controller configuration to 2.2 'Galore'. Set controller 1's analogue stick to your right stick and controller 2's analogue stick to your left stick. Now you have dual-stick analogue control just like modern shooters (as opposed to strafing with the C-buttons, which did not give you analogue control over the movement). Map controller 1's Z-trigger to RB (button 5) and controller 2's Z-trigger to LB (button 4). You fire with RB. Press LB to go into crosshair mode (which provides a zoom on the soviet and sniper rifle) and you will still use your right stick to look, but unfortunately left stick only goes left and right. Whilst in crosshair mode left stick up and down is your crouch/stand control. I don't see a way to make that better, that's just how the game works.

I quite like mapping the N64's A and B to A and X on my controller, respectively, because they are in the same places but it doens't matter. You may want to put them on the shoulder triggers for easier access. Oh and you'll have to use the right stick to navigate the menus.

I guess that wasn't *exactly* what you were asking about but when I thought of this idea I wanted to share it with someone.
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The Great Gunblade Wielder
LOL, im just use to Agozer being the first to respond.

I'm claiming mental deficiency due to the flu... yeah, thats what happened.
