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Loading error with Zelda: Majora's Maskl


New member
When trying to load Zelda: Majora's Mask I receive an odd error message. I messed with the setting when I downloaded the emu but after I couldn't get the rom working I quickly deleted the emu and redownloaded. EXACT error message is below

Unhandled R4300i OpCode at: 800030bc
mtc0 k1, Cause

Stoping Emulation !

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New member
The rom could be corrupted. Have you verified it? Excessive tweaking of rom settings could also be a problem, but since you said you "reinstalled" the emulator, I'd lean towards it being a bad rom. It may be helpful though to run the Uninstall .reg file to return emulator and video settings to their defaults ("reinstalling" won't do this).
