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Why does people post things that don't have to do with nemu here?

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The Xpaniard
I think I know why people posts stupid things that don't have anything to do with Nemu.
The problem is that in the Nemu 64 webpage, there is a link that takes to the Nemu64 forum, and people who has no idea (like me at the first time) think that there are no more forums to talk about those stupid things when they enter from there, so.........
Well, I think it's like that
At least, that happenned to me once, but I was a noob for then


The Xpaniard
But I didn't say that I'm an expert. I just said that once I was a noob, and that was months ago, but I wasn't a registered user. I just liked to read the posts


Active member
Isn't it ironic that you post a non Nemu related thread about people posting non Nemu related threads...


The Xpaniard
Well, I posted it here so everyone who enters the nemu board can see that they can't post those things. Because I don't think many people reads the rules...
Anyway, I posted it first in Talk of the Town


Philosopher Warrior
i think remote touched on it lightly but i'll go deeper. you break a rule that others SHOULD keep and you get away with it because the moderator for this forum posts a reply when he himself knows the rules he even posted them. but i forgot that nobody reads the rules so you posted them and nobody will read them. so who's confused .. . .

j/k I'm sure people will look at this post or at least see the name of it and realize not to post stupidity
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