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New member
I'm new here and i am getting real mad try to find out how to put games on PJ64 so can anyone plz help me:ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:


New member
What do you mean "put games on"? Are you talking about the ROM browser or can you not load games at all?
File->Open ROM will open a specific game that it supports, or use Options->settings->Directories->Rom Directory to set a specific directory with all the N64 ROMs you own in it. That way you can just double click on the game's name to start it.
If that's not your problem you'll have to be WAY more specific.


New member
I suspect mr angry smilie is under the impression that PJ64 includes games in the download package. It doesn't. You'll have to find a place to download them (without our help).


Yes, and if you think so, then leave, because the rules probhit the sharing of knowledge where to get roms.


Emutalk Member
this thread should be archived as some kind of classic.
at least the name's right.

btw just suppose it was legal for us to include roms.. we still wouldn't want to do it, it would be unmanageable.
