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Analog sensitivty.


New member
Is there a controller plugin that will allow my game pads analog stick to register being pushed slightly in whatever direction as well as knowing when I'm push hard in any direction as well? I'm not able to control the characters properly in games like Banjo Kazooie and Zelda 64 because I can't make them walk sometimes as well as run. I've found the setting in the plugin so that I can make them just walk when I hold down the stick but is there a way to make it register a smooth transition?


If you have an analog stick it should function just like that on a nintendo 64 controller. Find yourself the newest drivers and calibrate the device. It might just work...

GE Master

New member
You might look at altering the controller dead zone which you can change in the input settings. If you are finding it overly sensitive then set it higher than the default 25%. I have the USB adapters for the n64 controllers, and we set dead zone less than 5%.


New member
I'm not sure if its being over sensitive or what. I've tried various degrees of deadzone but it doesn't seem to affect much if at all. I know my analog stick is sensitive enough because when I calibrate it, theres a box that shows exactly how I'm moving the stick around no matter how slightly.
