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emulator makers


New member

i have seen some great ds emulators and i was wondering can someone put all the emulators together to get the ultimate emulator???
(sorry for my bad english:D)

Low Lines

New member
maybe in the VERY distant future something like that would happen...but not right now. It's still WAY too early to be asking for something like that. Besides, it would ruin the competition between the emulators as to who can write the best emulator the fastest.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
I'm sure that developers have their own ideas of what good coding and what's not. Improving takes time, and you just can't slap emulators together and make and "ultimate emulator" that way.
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New member
maybe, maybe not, it could add to points to where the coding hasnt finished yet, but why?... the best emu atm, DeSMuME, no doubt.... has gotten very far in a short amount of time and will only get better fast :)


The Forbidden One
Completely agree. Just look at iDeaS and DesMume: both are incredible, and one works perfectly where the other is flawed, and vice versa.
Yet, YopYop and Lino have two very different approaches to emulation: Devilish is playable in DSMM, while it isn't on iDeaS (yet), all the while Castlevania shows signs of being finally playable - that's what I'm doing right now :p


Yeah, I know..but both are so awesome and both are great emulators. I praise both of you -- good job on both! :)


Blacklord said:
:D thats the logo i made for pj64:D
Blacklord I would like to point out your post is completely off topic. It's completely irrelevant to the thread as well. Please post such things in an appropriate forum such as the PJ64 forum or screen shots. This is the second time you've posted something in the wrong forum that I moderate in. I also don't mind something somewhat off topic in a forum if it relates to something said or being discused in the forum, this does not.

