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half rendering/Half screen = black


New member
First of all (Since this is my first post) I'd like to thank EmuTalk.net for providing me with the info how to be able to use an Emulator for the DC.

Now with the problem, I am trying to play a game which is not on the compatibility list (Psychic Force 2012) So that might be the problem but I'd like to try nontheless. When the game is started only half of the levels or characters are rendered (Or not at all or just a glimpse) so I activated both ZWrite and Alphatest Zwrite to test the results, and switch between them. Now with them enabled the game is fully rendered (Although sometimes the characters get a bit transparent (Which is not an issue for me...)) but then the game is cut to only half of the screen, while Chankast clearly is in full screen.

On the other hand, when it's not rendering something in 3D (For instance the main menu with just buttons) the game is completely rendered and does fill the screen.

I was wondering if any of you guys knew what the problem is/or could be, I've checked the sticky's and searched but nothing matched my problem.

PC Specs:

P4 3.0 GHz HT
ATI Radeon 9800XT 128 MB RAM
512 MB DDR1 RAM (400 MHz)
Running desktop at 1280X1024 32 - True Colors
Windows XP SP 2
DX 9.0C


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Some games have this "only render half the screen" problem. It's can't be fixed, AFAIK.

On a side note, your specs are alost the same as mine, although I'm using and AMD Athlon 64 and Radeon 9800 Pro. Nice.
