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Nrage plugin loses settings for Saitek p2500


New member
I'm very new to project64 but Ive been able to play games using the default plugins which come installed.

I downloaded the n-rage controller plugin and installed it (for rumble) and in the options tab I select the n-rage driver.

I go into the controller config and setup the buttons etc for playing.

I save my setup to a config.

I then exit out the screen and select a rom to play. When the game starts it will come up with 'No Controller in Port 1' or similar message.

I go back into the controller config screen to find all my button/stick settings have gone.

Anyone know why this is happening. Ive tried a dozen games all suffering the same problem. I have no problems with the controller as its working in other games and using Jabo's controller plugin.

Any help appreciated. Ta.
