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Grandia 2 on chankast savestate problem


First I want to say Hello cause I'm new here,
but not new to emulation (well new to DC emulation) and forums.

Here's my problem.
I've managed to run Grandia 2 with a decent speed and minor
glithes on my crappy PC and was playing through some of the game
already, then I have to finish playing so I saved the game and turn of
my PC...

When I was trying to load my save from a memcard emulator freezes
on a "Now Loading..." screen and refuzes to continue...

So does anyone can tell me if I can load my game and continue
playing on actual version of chankast or do I need to wait for another
release. I have an Echelon version of the game...

Thanks in advance.
(I'm now trying to get PC version of Grandia 2, but any help appreciatred)


Hello :)
Late response to your post eh...
But I have some exams at school now so I couldn't spend
my time on Forums.
But yes I got Grandia 2 for PC and passed it already ;)
Cool game...and as for those saves on chankast I think that it's
rather emu related problem so I'll just wait for another release.

Time for SOA now :lol
So yeah anyway problem solved...that can be said.
