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Slow framerate in Rice´s framerate counter


New member
Hello, I have a question for you all

When running 1964 the fps counter of the emulator shows 60 vi/s. But the Rice plugin fps counter always shows about half, except for static 2D images like title screens. But 3D ingame at 30fps for NTSC games and 25 fps for Pal. Why is that? If I remove the frame limiter my the plugin fps counter reach over 150 fps but the speed is to damn fast. That shows my system is more than capable of generating higher fps. How come the plugin is slowing the games fps down that much?

Hope you understand my question.


Emulator Developer
for frame rate:

fps (frame per second) is not the same thing as vi/s (video interrupts per second).

For NTSC: vi/s = 60
For PAL: vi/s = 50

fps is the number of frames drawn per second, there is no requirement to sync fps to some value. You could see fps = 20, 30, 60 for different NTSC games.

As far as vi/s is sync to 60/50, the game is synced to normal speed. As synced, what ever the fps value you see is normal.


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In addition, most games sync up to the vertical interrupt to prevent tearing, and since it takes 2 VIs to completely update the display (remember, TVs are interlaced), they are set to run at a max of 30FPS (NTSC).

Emulators aren't like regular PC games. Since N64 games are only designed to run on a single piece of hardware, they are more dependent on the timing of the target system, so even if your computer could run the game at 200FPS, it has to be limited to keep everything synched.


New member
Thanks for your replies!
So there is no way to have a framerate of 60 and at the same time have 60 vi/s ?
Its just that i dont get the same smoothnes in the emulator as i remember the games had on the N64.


New member
Try playing around with the Counter Factor. Using OpenGL with CF=1 Perfect Dark was much smoother than CF=3.
