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Using SDL Window Alternatives?


Emulator Developer
Hello - question. As far as I know, the only method for creating an SDL window would be by creating a completelly new one, such like so:

screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 8, SDL_SWSURFACE);

Is there a way to intergrate an SDL screen into an already created Win32 window, rather than having to create an additional one? If not, than is there a way to eliminate the need for a first window by adding (for example) a menu to an SDL window? And if so, does anyone have or know of any source code examples?

Thank you!


New member
SDL is designed to have a cross-platform an interface as possible, not to mention it was designed for games, which almost never require menus in their windows. Thus there is no way I personally know of using the interface given to integrate SDL with an already existing window or to add a menu to the window. If you want a video API that allows for both of those check out OpenGL or Direct3D.


Emulator Developer
Big thanks Seth, exactly what I was looking for.

@Zenogais, I would have used one of those, but the fact of the matter is I am much more familiar with SDL. Thanks though!
