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What the hell is going on these days?


New member
Its been a long time since I been here can some one put me up to date, like whats the newest version of project 64 (I need a new video card damn it.) if there is one, plugins exc... thanks.


Active member
Newest version of PJ64 is v1.5 Service Pack 1. I also further updated this with RDB and GameFAQ updates.

Some updates since mid 2003:

1964 0.9.9 was released
Mupen64 0.4 released
Rice's Video 5.2.0 - 5.6.0 released
Direct64 0.5 Alpha released
Glide64 0.7 ME SP6 released
Hacktarux's Glide wrapper released
TR64 OpenGL 0.8.8 released
GoodN64 2.02a released.


New member
Ahh... clements again thanks your a big help. Hmmm... v1.5 I think thats the same from last year right? Oh well but at least the plugins I think are new, gona have to check into it. Service pack im not sure about either damn...
