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Conker and Gargoyle problem


New member
Finally got the game to run fairly well with Project 64, but now I am running into gaming problems. The gargoyle on the first level refuses to fall to the ground after I hit it with a frying pan. It falls a little and pops right back up no matter how many times I hit it.

The picture is attached.


New member
I did. I hit him. I wait. The gargoyle falls to side and pops right back up. I think this is a glitch only I am experiencing.


Active member
Make sure you have an updated PJ64, verified rom and not use save states or cheats. Then retry.


New member
This is the video of what I get. The rom is a copy off my brother's original Conker cartridge using his vj64. I could never beat this game so I am trying to play it on an emulator. Anyway I will try to find a better version.


New member
That's an unusual problem. Make sure it's a [!] dump rom, then try different video plugins. You might want to delete all of the Conker saved data in your Project64/saves folder and start a new game. If that fails, try another emulator.
