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how long have you been programming...


What's that...?
i was just curious to know how long the emu authors have been programming. so, if you want to leave some info on how long you've been programming and what languages, that would be great. me personally am in the midst of learning VB, c++.


J'aime tes seins
I'm not an emu author but anyway, I've been programming for about a year and a half.
I'm learning VB in college and I learned Java last semester.
The language i'm the most comfortable with is C

Finally, I hope that one day I'll be as good as these gurus ;)


Not a Moderator
i also am not an author but i have been programming in:

VB for 3 years
Basic for *extended thinking* about 7
C++ for about a year
and I tried Pascal but it didn't work out very well


New member
i am not an author of emus but of silly little progs which suit my needs and sometimes keep me out of trouble and motivated

but i have been using qb45 for about 5 yrs
C for about 2 yrs
Visual Basic for about 4 (actually made a prog for my school in 7th grade to be used as a study tutor)

would like to learn visual C but cannot even "Hello World!"

nothing really extensive but i really enjoy C however basic is a very easy to use for something simple.
Visual basic is fun and debuging every stupid argument from basic is a blast(lol)

hope this is not off subject but i would like to learn ARM for the gba but can never get even the examples to compile


Emulator Developer
I program in C and assembler since 4 years. Strangly, I started to learn programming by the assembler because it was the only thing I had. What else ? I program in Java since 1 year and I learnt various other languages for school. Another thing, I have programmed some stuff in VB and for me it is not as easy as people say. When i program in VB, i'm always searching in all these functions what can I use and there's functions that have many names and there's many bugs in these functions...

Maybe the C language is theorically harder, but once you understand it, you will not have any surprise, you know what you are doing...

But maybe it is just a personal opinion :p
ive been learning VB on and off about a year and a half and am ookaaaay at it, ive been learning C as well... i kinda prefer C cos its neater, im not brill at either language but ive got the basics down... quite cool :) a guy at my work who writes his own 3d engines (and has been coding since he was 11...) thats where i wanna get, to where i can do pretty much anything with enough time,,, right now i just dont have the experience, but it'll come :)


Liar Liar Pants On Fire!
Well as I explained in my Faqs of the GBXPLAYER :

Started learning C , C++ etc : 01/02/2001
Started on project GBX : 01/08/2001
First beta release date (0.1) : 06/12/2001
Second beta release (0.2) : 13/12/2001
Official first release date (0.2) : 16/12/2001
Third beta release date (0.25) : 27/12/2001
Re-release date (0.3) : 01/01/2002
Fourth beta (0.5) : 31/01/2002 (Scheduled)
Version 0.5 Public release : 14/02/2002 (Scheduled)

But a year before I started learning C , C++ etc. I started experimenting with Pascal (Didn't like it that much) and I quickly decided to use MS Visual Basic (Already experimenting with it)
and after working with this for about 50 + hours a week for about 7 months so my FAQ isn't that accurate but what the heck :)


Emulator Developer
I suppose I will share my experiences:

I started out with QBasic (like everyone else I suppose) back in 1994.

I then learned Pascal, C, C++, and x86 in 1995/96.

I worked mostly with x86 disassembly in 96/97 so I didn't really learn any new languages (except a lot of cuss works and l33t t4lK from all those damn wannabe kr4x0rz).

In 98 I learned MIPS, 6502, Linux (all sorts of things).

In 99 I learned 65816, and became much better with MIPS. I also learned Java.

Some sort of a dry spell in between there.

Now 01/02, I am in the process of learning scheme, jsp, asp, and php using a Oracle server.

I should be a pretty well-rounded programmer by the time I start looking for a real job. :)

Oops... so I guess I've been programming for 7-8 years now.


no emu author eather :p.. but anyways.. me and Azi started out bout the same time :).. late 93 i think.. i used to edit the old bannana game in QBasic.. i ended up making some "Demos" in QBasic.. nuthin fancy..

later i got C++3.5 and started looking up code to make some Demos.. that was back when i became member kind of of a demogrup who never really got anywhere hehe.. we just wanted to do alot of crap and learn alot but never took the time to really do to much..

then i started with pascal.. i liked pascal more than c++ back then.. dun ask why.. then in 95 i went back to c++ coz i learnd bout asm.. and damn did i love asm.. i searchd for info on it everywhere.. i never did much with it though.. mostly learnd how video works.. (know the complete VESA story by heart).. coz i've allways been interested in grafix.. and tried to build a game-dev-kit written in asm and c++.. (yes.. c++ not just c :p).. that i never finished but used as special project in school.. and the teachers where'nt all that impressed but it got me an A :D..

then.. there's a big hole.. i got into linux was amazed at gimp and enlightenment and gnome.. so i did a bunch of themes for them.. and managed to learnd linux pretty well.. and i learnd alot of tcl coz i started to become a regular on IRC.. i kept having weird ass jobs.. fixing puters here.. installing crap there.. so i learnd alot bout hardware..

then suddenly mid 97.. i got a job as a writer at a big ass company.. was to write hardware review articles for the web.. and one day they needed someone to code ASP and Javascript in a hurry.. and i'm such a nice guy so i'm like.. eh.. i've coded some i'll take a look at it.. and suddenly i had the job of webdeveloper.. so i learnd a few million things bout ASP and SQL and javascript.. and all that crap.. untill last year when i was sick and tired of coding in ASP :p..

of course though.. all that time my real passion has been 3d grafix.. so all my coding has been based on trying to learn more bout that :colgate:..

btw.. i never learnd the Windows API.. and i just didn't find Visual Basic any good after coding in C++.. felt so very unpowerfull :/..
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New member
hmm...well, some messing around with qbasic ... then html (does that count?) - javascript ... 2 years of visualbasic. :blush:
