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I would like to have more convenient access to folders/programs/frequently used commands than the Microsoft Corporation has provided.

I tried runfast... not good GUI
I do not want to pay or pirate Route1 or Tray commander...

I would also like to know where all the files/folders go when I put them on my computer.

InControl 5 is obsolete

I am using Win98... I hear WindowsXP is alittle better...

Got any idea's??????
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Pimpin' Red Mage
Yeah, you really should get XP. :D

Well, actually, I don't think you can run XP on your machine, you may need to get a new PC.


\/\/4ND3RING \/\/0LF
He can run WinXP. Those are just about the minimum specs for it, though.

Once you install it you'll have to tweak it out to run smoothly on the system, though. This includes setting WinXP's performance levels down and disabling lots of services in the background. But once you tweak it a bit and as long as you keep a minmum configuration then it will run just well enough to be worth using.

I have it on a PII 333 system myself.

WinXP gives you access to your folders and what-not and it's about as good as you could expect it to be. The WinXP GUI is about as configurable as you could want if it's just folders and files you're concerned about.
