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Blending mode


New member
Hi everyone.

I have an intel video card installed in my pc. I know that it's not 100% compatible with pj64, but the Jabo's Direct3D6 1.40 plugin worked really good because it had the "change blendig mode if invalid for video card" option which fixed a lof of graphics problems.

Why this option was deleted from the version 1.50 and 1.51????. I think it was great from users who doesn't have a good video card.
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Psychic Vampire
Yeah, Glide64 (3.1) & eVoodoo (3.25) would be the best for your video card, me thinks (You can try the newest glide with the newest eVoodoo, but you'll probably have problems, and Glide64 3.1 is the latest one that works properly with eVoodoo 3.25. Be sure to change the option currently set to "Z-Buffer" to "W-Buffer"!) Jabo's 1.4 w/ validate blending would be the second best option. I honestly don't know why it was removed from 1.5, I think because they automated some of it (didn't work at all on my card though, worked like validate blending was off.) I don't think any other GFX plugin will work with your video card (work meaning playable.)
