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Just wondering


New member
I’m just wondering why Rice, Orkin and Icepir don’t collaborate together to make a new graphic plugin that get the best of the 3 authors plugins ?

I have also the following stupid question : why Jabo don’t realease the source code of its excellent graphic plugin ?

I hope that's the right place to put such a question, if not could the moderator, please, move it to the right one.



N64 Newbie
we need competition! :)

Remember the plugin authors do not get paid for what they are doing, it's just their hobbie for personal statisfaction. Asking Jabo to release his plugin source is unreasonable, he created the plugin, he has puta lot of work into it, and whether the source will be will be up to him.


New member
programming requires a lot of abstract thinking and general resourcefulness, and doing something like having as many as three people collaborating to make a single plugin... well, it really just wouldn't work, i think.


Oh indeed it would work. Glide64 had three programmer if I'm correct. It's just that they wish to make their own project for fun's sake, I guess :)


New member
eh, i suppose... but i've always found that programming is more efficient, and more fun when done alone. it gives a nice little feeling of self-worth when you've written some code that does something good. :)


Yeah...that's probably one of the things that makes the authors wish to go alone :happy:
But they do share info among each other, so it's not like they're not helping each other ;) no, no! :p
