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Looking for Zelda:OOT Shadow Temple save state, can ne1 help thnx!!!


New member
Hi, I have been playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time in UltraHLE and it works GREAT except I am at the Shadow Temple and the Lens of Truth does not work. Instead of having to fiddle around in wireframe mode... does any1 have a save state at the Shadow Temple for PJ64? I believe PJ64 is the only emu that ever fixed the Lens of Truth right? Btw does any1 know if the Lens works in the Zelda games for the new (FASSSTTTT) Nemu .8??? Well if any1 can help me, my email is [email protected] or AIM me @ Ashok1911 THNX!



PJ64k Support Team
The last I person I told that wan't save states didn't respond well, so I'll put it nicely. They're just too big (to put in the post), and people probably don't have only up to that point in thier game, you know? Like, noone except you, probably, in just that far in the game, just only up to the shadow Temple. I don't, and the total number of people who visit this site regularly is around 1000 a day, so the chances of someone having that state are slim. So, this is probably not the best place to ask, but you might get lucky. Also, I'm not sure, but I think ultrahle uses a different format that pj64, so it might now work any way.

Also, I was nice to you, because you wrote out a lot of your words, and asked nicely. Thanks for doing that.

So, does anyone have that state?
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Chances are slim as said. Maybe someone has, but I should just re-play it and re-live the experience. Plus it's much easier now that you know what to do.
