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Zelda 00T graphics prob


New member
Hi, i run evoodoo and glide 64 so that i can get the text to display propally, and so that the suns glare doesnt make the screen go black, but now that i run it, the ground looks worse that before and in stuff like paths and holes dissapear, and get covered by the grass. Is there a fix for this like tweaking the evoodoo of glide 64 graphics settings?

there is a picture showing them side by side, so is there anyway to get the good ground graphics of jabo, with the benefitial good text and allmost perfect playing of glide64?


Try opening evoodoo and unchecking alternate z-buffer. Besides that, evoodoo and newest glide64 is known to have problems like this.


New member
ok failing that, are there any other graphic plugins that would emulate zelda how it is supposed to be run?


Jabo's would be the best one. You might try all other plugins, if you have any luck. Look at emutalk's download archive.
Btw, what's your specs?


New member
Jabo's plugin indeed has some issues like these with older cards (gf2mx etc). Evoodoo I believe does not support multi-texturing, resulting in worse textures. You can try tr64ogl, or the newer tr64d3d plugin, although I am not sure if it will resolve the issue with the ground.


New member
I used to have a Rage card, and I had problems with textures, too. A Radeon (Any model) will kick the graphics up a notch!
