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New member
First, I don't want to say rice and shibos are bad, just want to support!
To load a save state from file (made with 1964 0.85) , I'm oblige to pause (presse F3) the game go into fullscreen and presse F3 again.
when I save state to file with 1964 0.99 it's not able to load it (message: not compatible with this version !!!! )
Conker BFD must be run with jabo's (on PJ or 1964) and then saved to load with rice's. When I run this game directly with rice's it's all OK since I take the control of conker (also when all intro scenes are finished),from this moment the screen have multicolored vertical lines...
With the trick below, it's not perfect, 3D models sometimes becomes a bit green (as if pointed with a green light)
donkey 64 seems to use motion blur, but just in fullscreen I said seems because it looks like if some frame where displayed before the frame they should have folow (It'not what appen but the result is the same and I don't know hao tou saille zat betteur :)
The frame buffer option doesn't work very well, seems to be taken just as the very beginning of the game and to no more updated in banjoo while the screen in the first map of mario kart 64 appears as a hole in the wall (rice's plug-in draw the sky while it perfectly work with jabo's). I tried a lot of combination between the type of the buffer and the update options.
Is it impossible to make a fullscreen GUI like in ZSNES to not have to switch between screen modes.

A lot of congratulations rice and shibo for your grate work !!!
