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  1. dukenukem

    gateway decent?

    hey all in december my mom is gonna buy a gateway pc from because of there flexpay option but i have never dealt with a gateway pc they pc's reliable since my current emachines one has been fine since 1999.
  2. dukenukem

    $1300 budget amd64 pc

    hey guys i want o get all new pc parts including this lcd i want to stay with sandiego core and at least 250-400gig hdd and case with neon lighting.keep in mind i will need windowsxp,keyboard and mouse and everything else.Any help...
  3. dukenukem

    best atari2600 emulator?

    Ok guys i have never used an atari2600 emulator before so i would like some suggestions.
  4. dukenukem

    First start at wallpaper with mspaint(w98se) edition

    So this is my first try at this and i'm keeping it plain and simple.
  5. dukenukem

    nec mitsubishi multisync FE1250+

    hello guys my other monitor dies over a week ago so this comp was useless but today i bought a 21inc nec multisync monitor from the 199$ computer store for 136$.Any one else here have one of these monitors because i have never used one of these before so any comments would be appreciated.
  6. dukenukem

    This comp should be fine for rippins and xvid encoding dvd's?

    hello guys,we are most likely to get this computer as it is on flexpay,so is it sufficient enough for me to rip my dvd's and encode them into xvid files?
  7. dukenukem

    Car hating,not for the faint hearted

    Must say too bad this getting didn't get run over or beat down while camera was rolling.
  8. dukenukem

    new pc for later on when i got da money

    here's a pic of a comp i was making,only thing it doesn't show is that i upgraded the psu to a 500watt one,also may change it to a +3500 and second hdd and maybe change the videocard to a slightly less expensive one.
  9. dukenukem

    My future computer:)

    Well here are some of the parts i have selected so far,
  10. dukenukem

    coming back sometime in future:(

    Hello guys i haven't been around for a while because my monitor died :bye3: and i haven'tn ben able to get a new one hopefully i will hae one soon so everyone continue having fun while i'm gone,i'm online from college.
  11. dukenukem

    Help a fellow member:)

    Hi guys well i was planning on buying some more ram for my system but something came up today that ensures that won't happen for quite some time:(,i was gonna get 128mb pc100 sdram stick but now i am screwed,would any one here happen to have some pc100 sdram laying around,i would appreciate if...
  12. dukenukem

    animated avatars and sigs

    Hello all,i have just started using psp8 and animation shop3 to make animated avatars,i was wondering what you guys use to make animated/non-animated sigs and avatars,also as you can see i put up 1 animated avatar i made:). :naughty:
  13. dukenukem

    control problems?

    Well the latest beta build seems to mess up the controls for dr.mario64 and wwf wrestlemania2000,in both games i can't use the directional pad to move around in either game.That's with jabos input plugin and n-rage's input plugin. Tis sucks because in wrestlemania i'm stuck in the ring and can't...
  14. dukenukem

    zelda641.0 plugin violation?

    Got this error with jabosd3d6 1.5.1 and rice's plugin using the latest beta build
  15. dukenukem

    exception in emulation thread:(Zelda641.0

    Well with the latest beta the exception in emulation thread is back big time but with earlier versions of the beta i could stop this by turning off usecp1 block thing but now that doesn't even help,the error will happen eventually.
  16. dukenukem

    exception in emulation thread has returned

    I just got the latest beta build and legend of zelda always will eventually crash with the exception in emulation thread error,happens when using any plugin.
  17. dukenukem

    donkey kong crash with new beta

    Donkey kong 64 will crash with this error when going to ingame,only way to get rid of error is to restart system,if you click retry the emulator or comp will freeze forcing a restat,happens with jabo's d3d1.5.1 and rice's updated 5.2.0 plugin.
  18. dukenukem

    some psx shots

    not sure if we can post psx shots here feel free to lock or remove it
  19. dukenukem

    star fox 64 crashes and freezes

    in the beta star fox will crash and freeze my system after level 3 when you fight star wolf,after i beat them the game will crash then freeze my entire system shortly after i beat them,if i lose to them the game will crash but only when i'm about to go to the next level,this doesn't happen in...
  20. dukenukem

    1964 beta doesn't go back to window mode

    when ever i play a game in window mode then go full screen pressing escape doesn't return it to window mode iy minimizes it to bottom tray and won't let me go to window mode so i end up having to hit ctl-ent-del to end task:(
